Event Announcements

Kaleidoscope Party

Sunday the 20th of July at 1pm.

You’re probably familiar with the standard kaleidoscope mirror construction, but there’s so many more possibilities, from different geometries to kinetic kaleidoscope sculpture.

If you like looking at stuff through mirrory mirrors, come see the latest in cutting edge kaleidoscopic technology with special guests Ned Greene and John Edmark, who are bringing physical kaleidoscopes like you’ve never seen before!

We’ll also play with digital kaleidoscopes on the big screen, and do kaleidoscopic audio experiments. There will be beer and oranges. There may be kaleidoscopic video and picture taking. It will also be necessary to create a human kaleidoscope.

If you have a kaleidoscope or something mirrory to share, physical or digital, bring it along! Also bring your friends. This event will be particularly welcoming towards newcomers.